Good morning, It’s likely that some of your remote employees moved away during the pandemic, so a return to the office would require a major shift. While some people may have left cities for more space, others lost housing due to rent spikes, or moved to care for sick loved ones. What's more, some may not be able to afford to move back. Asking people to uproot the routine they've known for two years can be difficult. The good news is, there are ways to keep your best employees around even if they've moved out of state. For starters, consider a different kind of employment arrangement: perhaps a star employee could come back as a consultant. Or maybe you can offer a different position at the company that allows them to continue to work remotely if such a position exists. This can be an easier sell if you offer reskilling, additional training opportunities, or the chance to work with a new team. Read on for more tips on how best to handle the return to work if your employees moved during the pandemic. |
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