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Remember those cherished cassette mixtapes you shared with your best friends at school? All those hours spent taping your favorite songs off the radio, trying in vain to stop recording just before the host chimed back in. Then came rewritable CDs, followed by the short-lived mini disc—a giant leap forward for the armchair DJ—with its ability to stop and switch tracks in the beat of a drum. Fast-forward to 2022 and my DJ career has stalled significantly. My playlists leave much to be desired, as I'm left toggling between "Earworms," "Earworms 2," "New Year 2018," and "Train up north." So many of my favorite tunes are now fading soundbites in my memory bank. It's time to banish that preloaded "Party bangers" playlist once and for all. A growing number of apps designed to give you more bang for your music subscription buck have launched to help you find those lost tracks, organize your collections, and discover new tunes. | |
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