It has been a surprisingly interesting year for Donkey Kong Country fans. An HD remaster of Donkey Kong Country Returns will be releasing next year, and Super Nintendo World is in the process of rolling out an area for Donkey Kong Country. It is opening to the public in Osaka, Japan this week, and Americans will be able to see it at Universal Studios Florida next year.
Video Games Chronicle was able to travel to Osaka, Japan and visit the new area of Super Nintendo World recently, and they even published a review of it. There, it includes some reactions from people who developed the original Donkey Kong Country. One of them is Steven Mayles, who helped create many characters, including Dixie Kong and Rambi.
Mayles said that "it's been 30 years since I worked on Donkey Kong Country: seeing the characters we created at Rare presented like this, given such love after all this time, it's quite surreal. Even though we borrowed the DK IP from Nintendo, and much of the park is themed on the latest DKC games from Retro, the strong theme we created for DKC remains. That's a part of Twycross that will forever be in Osaka I guess! And yes, I would very much like to work on another DKC game".
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