Brains, bravery, and optimism |
| | Good morning, In the history of startups, nothing does more to divine good or bad fortune than timing. Last year's No. 1 Inc. 5000 company, OneTrust--which helps businesses comply with new consumer privacy laws--showed what kind of magic can happen when an idea and the need for it glide into the market in total synchronicity. A rare event such as Covid-19 only underscores how determinative timing can be. Which makes the 2021 Inc. 5000 different from any other in the list's history. Today's fastest-growing privately held American companies proved resilient and flexible during 2020's unprecedented challenges. Among the top 500 companies, the median three-year growth rate soared to 1,819.6 percent, and mean revenue reached $33.4 million. Those companies represent 43,162 jobs. Check out this year’s list, and read our stories to learn how this year’s honorees kept growing at astounding rates despite a crazy year. And stay tuned for more tales from the list in this week’s newsletters. |
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