Plus: Hate in schools, the winter surge and the high cost of prescription drugs |

The ReportMeasuring government performance |
What seemed as if it would be a weeks-long hiatus from the office due to the coronavirus has in many cases now become a two-year departure from pre-pandemic work standards. Why are prescription drug prices such a consistent source of frustration among patient-consumers? The answer is far more complicated than it appears. The monthly report may have been better than it appeared at first blush.
President Biden laid out his plan to fight off a winter surge as the omicron variant is spreading across the U.S. Is it enough?
Hostile environments – including bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, hate speech, hate crimes and physical attacks – are increasing in public school systems. Despite concerns in recent days that an invasion of Ukraine appeared imminent, Russia's leader offered new cooperation with the White House after a high-profile summit. U.S. News photo editors curate this month's most compelling images from at home and abroad. |
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