Plus: Vaccine deadline season, Election Day losers and missing indigenous women |

The ReportMeasuring government performance |
Long-standing political divisions within states are being heightened in a hyper-partisan climate, fueling secession movements across the country as walking away is looking easier than coming together. Progressive and socialist Democrats are seeing setbacks at nearly every turn. That won't stop Republicans from casting them as the heart of the party. From Wyoming to Wisconsin, states are taking steps to address the crisis of murdered and missing Native American women. Will they make a difference? Tuesday marked the military's first deadline for all Air Force and Space Force troops to receive the coronavirus vaccine. Following months of patience, the punishments now begin. The requirement to be vaccinated or face weekly coronavirus tests will apply to over 80 million Americans working for private companies. The program will be fully up and running the week of Nov. 8. U.S. News photo editors curate this month's most compelling images from at home and abroad. |
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