Fantasian Neo Dimension, the critically acclaimed RPG from legendary game Producer Hironobu Sakaguchi and renowned Composer Nobuo Uematsu launched earlier this month for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S and Steam. Today, S… | By Sickr on December 17, 2024 | Fantasian Neo Dimension, the critically acclaimed RPG from legendary game Producer Hironobu Sakaguchi and renowned Composer Nobuo Uematsu launched earlier this month for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S and Steam. Today, Square Enix launched a demo for the title on all platforms. The demo allows players to experience the first few hours of the game and test out the unique multi-dimensional battle mechanics while beginning to solve the strange mystery of the world and Leo's lost memories. Players who try the demo can continue their journey as Leo by carrying over their progress to the full game. Square Enix also released a new accolades trailer today, showcasing some of the positive reception for the game since it launched. The accolades trailer can be viewed here: Source: Square Enix | | | |