The Report: A Deadly Political Divide

Plus: Stranded in America, leaving Afghanistan and a west without water

July 23, 2021

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U.S. News & World Report

The Report

Measuring government performance

Protestors and counter-protestors clash during a demonstration against stay-at-home orders near Los Angeles City Hall on May 1, 2020, amid the novel coronavirus pandemic. - Rallies have been held at several state capitols across the country as protesters express their deep frustration with the stay-at-home orders that are meant to stem the spread of the novel coronavirus. (Photo by Agustin PAULLIER / AFP) (Photo by AGUSTIN PAULLIER/AFP via Getty Images)

Two Americas are on display as political conversations turn to vaccines and election results.

Young immigrants are losing their legal status and jobs amid pandemic-fueled backlogs at USCIS and long processing times for DACA renewals.

Unlike Iraq, the U.S. cannot reenter if the security situation collapses in Afghanistan – and President Joe Biden now owns the precarious and alarming situation there.

The historic drought exacerbated by climate change is draining reservoirs, fueling deadly heat waves and wildfires.

Majorities in multiple countries oppose the Olympic Games in Japan during a still-uncontrolled pandemic.

The COVID-19 pandemic fueled America's largest life expectancy drop in nearly eight decades, with Hispanics hit the hardest.

U.S. News photo editors curate this month's most compelling images from at home and abroad.

The U.S. has an abysmal record when it comes to maternal health, particularly among minority women. Explore the roots of the issue and the solutions that are making a difference in some clinics and communities.

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