Plus, Biden viewed positively on many issues
March 13, 2021 The latest findings from Pew Research Center · Subscribe ↗
 Nearly two months into his presidency, Joe Biden has a positive job approval rating and draws confidence from majorities of the public on his ability to handle a range of issues, especially the coronavirus outbreak. About two-thirds of Democrats (68%) say the Democratic Party should be accepting of Democrats who openly criticize Biden, but fewer than half of Republicans (43%) say the Republican Party should be accepting of officials who openly criticize Donald Trump. Overall, Americans view the Democratic Party more favorably than the GOP, but neither party is viewed favorably by a majority of the public.  A sizable majority of U.S. adults (70%) say they favor the Biden administration’s $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package. Only about three-in-ten oppose the plan, which provides economic aid to businesses, individuals and state and local governments. The package draws support from 94% of Democrats and 41% of Republicans. A majority of Americans say the administration made a good faith effort working with GOP congressional leaders on the plan.  Most Americans are not optimistic about a quick return to the way things were before the coronavirus outbreak. Nearly six-in-ten (57%) say it will be a year or more before things mostly operate as they did before the pandemic struck the U.S., including 14% who expect it will take more than two years. Separately, about eight-in-ten Americans say they expect it will take one to two years (46%) or more than two years (35%) for the nation’s job situation to recover to where it was before the outbreak. Even amid signs of improvement in the U.S. labor market, about four-in-ten unemployed workers had been out of work for more than six months as of February 2021, about double the share in February 2020. Nearly half of unemployed Asian workers had been out of work for more than six months as of the fourth quarter of 2020, compared with 21% in the fourth quarter of 2019. Black unemployed workers had the next-highest long-term unemployment rate, followed by White and Hispanic unemployed workers. The American dream of homeownership has not been dampened by the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic downturn it has caused. There were an estimated 82.8 million owner-occupied households in the U.S. in the fourth quarter of 2020, up 2.1 million from a year earlier, matching the largest net increase on record. From our research94% The share of current members of the House who have a bachelor’s degree or more education, along with 100% of current senators. | |
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