What's really on the minds of business owners ahead of tonight's debate |
| | Note: Graham Winfrey, senior editor at Inc., is stepping in for Cameron while he is away from the computer this week. Good morning, Many entrepreneurs tuning into the first debate between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden tonight will have the same question on their minds: Where's the Phase 4 stimulus bill? Various stimulus efforts designed to extend federal small-business aid programs such as the Paycheck Protection Program have been held up as lawmakers bicker over key sticking points. Meanwhile, nearly 2 million--mostly small--American firms have already closed in 2020, according to Oxxford Information Technology, an information services firm that tracks more than 30 million businesses. Faced with the prospect of continued hardship, entrepreneurs want action. More than two-thirds of small business owners recently polled by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce said that it is more important for political leaders to compromise to get things done, rather than stick to their beliefs in a time of crisis. It's unclear to what extent the plight of U.S. small businesses will register in the debate. Before you watch the event tonight at 9 p.m. ET, check out our story for insight into how Trump likely will try to frame the conversation around economic recovery, and how Biden will aim to differentiate his own plan, should he win the election. |
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