Plus: Biden's executive power, stealth omicron's rise and the war in Ukraine |

The ReportMeasuring government performance |
The cost of a gallon of gas is now the barometer of how bad the November elections will be for the Democrats. The Democratic Party's Rules and Bylaws Committee voted to open up the calendar for nominating contests – likely ending the state's half-century status as first in the nation. The executive action on a gun safety rule was a sign of things to come for a president who is finding it harder to get his agenda through a closely divided Congress. More than 20 states are reporting increasing infections, according to data from Johns Hopkins University. The White House is upping its aid and its rhetoric, defining Russia's invasion in stark new terms and pledging more military and financial aid to Ukraine's defense. A decline in sexually transmitted diseases in 2020 is likely tied to COVID-19's hammering of health care, according to a new report, rather than a sign of progress. Russia's reported use of chemical weapons in Ukraine, first identified by a far-right Ukrainian military regiment, would represent a 'game-changer' for Western involvement. U.S. News photo editors curate this month's most compelling images from at home and abroad. |
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