Pressure mounts for vaccine passports, Moderna says its vaccine is effective in young teens, and a CDC report finds breakthrough infections are rare. Here's what you should know: Headlines As the US unmasks, the pressure is on for vaccine passports There's one major problem with the CDC's recent decision to lift mask mandates for people who've been vaccinated: It makes it easy for unvaccinated people to go maskless, too. One way around this would be so-called vaccine passports, which would help reliably identify who's been vaccinated. But in the US, it's practically impossible for the federal government to take that on. The largest project to attempt this so far is an app from the Commons Project, an open source nonprofit partially supported by the World Economic Forum and the Rockefeller Foundation, which will feature a digital certificate that's usable across state and national borders. Moderna says its vaccine is safe and effective in younger teens Yesterday, Moderna announced that in clinical trials, its vaccine produced the same immune response in kids as young as twelve as it does in adults. The drugmaker plans to apply for authorization to administer the vaccine to younger teens in early June. Both Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTech are also conducting trials for children ages two to 11, but those will take longer because researchers need to figure out a safe and effective dosage. CDC report finds that breakthrough infections are possible but rare On Tuesday the CDC released a report on breakthrough infections—or cases of Covid that occur after someone has been fully vaccinated—among the more than 130 million Americans who've received their shots. The report found that breakthrough infections are rare, and roughly a quarter of them didn't have any symptoms. About 160 people died, but 28 of those deaths weren't due to Covid-19. Starting May 1, the CDC stopped regularly reporting on mild breakthrough infections, choosing to focus instead on cases that lead to hospitalization or death. Daily Distraction Amid regulatory changes and new trading apps, investing is becoming more and more accessible. Next up: Gen Z VCs. Something to Read "If the subway is New York's transit meat and potatoes, rental mopeds are its sorbet. Not necessarily a staple, but a treat." Revel mopeds have been zipping around since 2018, and while they delight many city dwellers, they've also caused a string of calamitous accidents. Now, to cement its place in the city, the startup will need to prove it's safe. Sanity Check Sometimes it's hard to resist the urge to chime in online. Here are our tips for deciding when to reply—and when to stay quiet. One Question How can I let other people know I'm vaccinated? The new CDC mask guidance leaves Americans to self-report whether or not they've been vaccinated. If you want to make clear that you've been jabbed and aren't being negligent when you forgo a mask, WIRED's Adrienne So has a few suggestions. There are tons of stickers, buttons, and other "I'm vaccinated!" merch for sale online. But try to avoid slogans that scold or seem aggressive, as that's more likely to create further division than encourage others to get their shots. And just because the CDC has said you can go without a mask in many places if you're vaccinated, that doesn't mean you have to. Different people have different comfort levels. Covid-19 Care Package 📦 The Covid-19 virus can linger on objects for as little as a few hours or as long as a couple of days, depending on the surface. Here's a look at the research. 😷 If you're planning to go out in public, you're still going to need a mask for some time to come. Here are the best ones you can buy, or how to make one at home. 💉 The data is in, and the vaccines are working. Here's how to get an appointment in your area. 💻 Whether or not you're a work-from-home pro, here's how to stay productive without losing your mind. 😔 It's hard not to be anxious about a global pandemic, but here's how you can protect yourself and your family without spiraling and how to not hate the loved ones you're quarantined with. ✂️ It may still be a while before you can see your hairstylist, so here's how to cut your hair at home, plus other ways to keep yourself lookin' fresh. 🦠 Read all of our coronavirus coverage here. |
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