The tricky business of vaccinating your whole team |
| | Good morning, Getting your employees vaccinated makes sense on just about every level. It’s good for business, good for public health and safety, and the private sector’s participation could even be crucial in revitalizing the U.S. economy. The chaos and mismanaged vaccine rollout has left the U.S. in a situation where industry has to help as much as it can, Dr. Jeremy Levin, chairman of the nonprofit Biotechnology Innovation Organization, tells Inc.: "Companies need to ensure that all employees have access to, not just the vaccine, but education about what the vaccine does and what the vaccines offer them and their families." Technically, you can require employees to get vaccinated--but tread lightly, since you can trigger legal claims if proper accommodations aren't made or underlying health conditions are exposed. So the next best step is encouragement. Dan Bailey, president of lawn mowing and landscaping company WikiLawn, says he’s offering a flat cash bonus of $500 to employees who get both vaccine doses and can provide proof. Rex Frieberger, CEO of technology and lifestyle publication Gadget Review, says he’s giving employees who get vaccinated an extra week of paid vacation, effective as soon as they finish both doses. The goal is safety, of course--but there's also a financial incentive for employers to encourage employees to get vaccinated. Read our story to learn the strategies small-business owners are using to get their teams on board and the red flags you’ll need to avoid along the way. |
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