Dear reader,
2020 was a uniquely difficult year. The realities of those difficulties are evident in our data, which reveals a level of pain and suffering we haven’t seen in a long time. The economic hardship, the disruption to daily life and the lives lost to COVID-19 weigh heavily on us all.
But there is hope. With promising vaccines on the way, an end to the pandemic is in sight, and it is possible to contemplate a return to “normal” – whatever that may be.
Our data so far suggests that 2020 was a year that accelerated and redirected many trends we have been tracking for decades: political polarization, global relations, inequality, tolerance, technology use, media habits, trust in institutions, racial identity and justice, migration patterns, family structures, education, work, and spiritual faith and practice.
To emerge from this juncture stronger in the new year, citizens and decision-makers around the world will need a foundation of clear, neutral data and analysis on which to build. You can count on Pew Research Center to provide information that helps us all better understand the future we are moving into, as well as the past we’re leaving behind.
I’d like to thank you for your continued interest in our work. We look forward to bringing you new insights about our world in 2021 and beyond.
Best wishes this holiday season.
Michael Dimock
President, Pew Research Center
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