Dear Reader:
Thank you for engaging with Condé Nast content across one or more of our brands, whether on our websites, mobile applications, print magazines, events or otherwise. We appreciate your support.
We wanted to let you know that on July 1, 2024, we updated the Privacy Policy and User Agreement that applies to your interactions with our Products and Services.
Here's a brief summary of what's changed:
The Privacy Policy:
- We added an Overview which includes a summary of our privacy practices with links and references to the full policy.
- Although our use, collection and disclosure of your Personal Information has not changed in material ways, we clarified the language to be more descriptive and updated the options for exercising your privacy rights including for residents of additional states, in accordance with applicable law.
The User Agreement:
- We updated and clarified the "Arbitration, Waiver of Class Action Suits and Dispute Resolution" section to:
- Note that we have moved to a different arbitration provider.
- Introduce the concept of "Batch Arbitration" in the event of "Mass Filings."
- We also updated the definition of Personal Information and Third Party Providers in the Glossary.
We encourage you to review the updated Privacy Policy and User Agreement. By continuing to use our Products and Services on or after the last updated date noted in each of these documents, you agree to our updated User Agreement and acknowledge that you have received and understood our updated Privacy Policy.
Thank You
Condé Nast
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