An open letter signed by former and current employees at OpenAI and other AI giants calls for whistleblower protections as the artificial intelligence rapidly evolves. |
Windows Recall takes a screenshot every five seconds. Cybersecurity researchers say the system is simple to abuse—and one ethical hacker has already built a tool to show how easy it really is. |
Wyoming's secretary of state has proposed ways of "preventing fraud and abuse of corporate filings by commercial registered agents" in the aftermath of the scheme's exposure. |
A WIRED investigation, based on more than 22 million flight coordinates, reveals the complicated truth about the first full-blown police drone program in the US—and why your city could be next. |
Data on how often Google's new AI Overviews feature appears on search results suggests that the company reduced its visibility even before recommendations like adding glue to pizza sauce went viral.
✚ Read more: Google's AI feature bumped my article down on the results page, but the new AI Overview at the top still referenced it. What gives? |
TikTok has confirmed a "potential exploit" that is being used to go after accounts belonging to media organizations and celebrities, including CNN and Paris Hilton, through direct messages. |
During a tour of Silicon Valley, EU vice president Věra Jourová said she expects tech giants to prioritize stamping out content that could distort democracy. |
For years the video game industry has faced calls to weed out abusive behavior. The nonprofit ReSpec wants to help it figure out what to do after the canceling is over. |
After nearly a decade of silence, the beloved sci-fi author opens up about loss, love, and a collaboration with Keanu Reeves. |
Looking for a new job? Check out these featured listings and search for openings all over the world on |
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